Fastener Facts and Tool Topics

Tips & Tricks for Auto Upholstery

Written by Brett McCutcheon | Aug 13, 2022 1:30:00 PM

Like most kinds of fine repair work, automotive seat upholstery work is not an easy task. There are a lot of details to keep in mind that can make the job much easier if they're kept in mind. This applies to both the workflow and the precision tools (such as BECK's easy-to-load fine wire staplers) you use. These can make the difference between a durably complete upholstery job and something that frays just a bit too quickly.

Consider Factory-Made Replacement Seat Covers

Begin by asking one important question: is it worthwhile to replace the old seat covers completely? You can get things done quickly by installing new covers sold by the vehicle manufacturer for the make and model of the car. This may be especially productive if the old seats are so badly worn or damaged that a full replacement job is justifiable. By taking this route, you can be assured of new upholstery that fits snugly right away with minimal fitting and stitching

Create Templates Before You Cut

If you're reupholstering old car seats in segments, one of the easiest ways to mess the job up is by cutting out the damaged areas before you've clearly outlined them onto a template for the replacement. Pulling fabric out can easily result in tears, accidentally uneven cuts, or damage caused by a brittle old material falling apart as it's removed.

To avoid all of these possibilities, first, create a carefully marked-off template while everything is attached together, and then cut away the seat segments you're replacing.

Open Up Your Workspace

Unless something makes it impossible or difficult for you to do so, remove the seats of the car you're working on before getting started with upholstery work. The interior of any car is a cramped, often messy space that makes even professional work difficult to pull off. You can avoid a great deal of trouble by fully removing seats and placing them in an open, well-lit area that will allow you to work more easily.

Also, be sure to carefully sort and save all of the bolts and nuts that held each seat in place. What's more, be sure to watch for and gently disconnect any internal electrical or electronic cable systems that the seats of modern cars might have built into them.

Organize Tools and Gear Before Starting

Reupholstering a car is complex, sometimes tedious work. To make it flow more easily and rapidly, be sure you have the right tools on hand before you start, and that they're organized. Make sure to include cleaning supplies, seat cover sections, and of course, safety equipment such as nitrile gloves, safety goggles, ventilators, and so forth.

One tool you'll likely need for precision work is a fine wire stapler. Ideally, you should use a model that offers easy handling, easy loading, and durability. The gun should also be designed to give you maximum visibility while maneuvering in tight spaces. BECK's F1B 7C-16 LN50 fine wire stapler delivers all these benefits, while also having a design that helps prevent accidents and lubricant spills on your delicate work surface. Consider this tool before you get started reupholstering. Click below to learn more!