Hot - or not so hot - Advances in Composite Decking

Posted by Brett McCutcheon on Apr 21, 2018 9:50:00 AM
Brett McCutcheon


Professional deck builders and home renovators are increasingly choosing composite decking 4-19-18-bigstock-Woman-with-burning-legs-consum-97984820because of the material’s long life span, minimal upkeep, warranties, and great looks. But this Summer we’re going to see some additional benefits introduced that will undoubtedly increase the demand for these long-lasting, low maintenance exterior building materials.When the boards are exposed to that warm Summer sun, they get hotter than Georgia asphalt. While any dark- colored decking absorbs sunlight and heats up, composites are denser than traditional wood decking, which can lead them to becoming uncomfortably hot. To address this foot-burning flaw, the latest decking is built to optimize heat reflection. They will reduce heat absorption up to 35%, resulting in noticeably lower surface temperatures in direct sun.

You don’t have to worry about staining or painting since you can choose from multiple finishing options straight from the manufacturer. Tremendous strides have been made to offer a wide range of patterns that mimic a variety of woods, from traditional to exotic, as well as a broad spectrum of color options. Custom creations will be offered by the end of the year that will allow endless possibilities.

A third innovation is composite bamboo decking. Bamboo has gained rapid popularity in the construction market for its sustainability and affordability. It has struggled to gain traction in the exterior market. This is a result of the presence of sugars in the bamboo that lead to insect infestation and rot. The adhesives also performed poorly in outdoor environments.

Composite bamboo decking is a variation on traditional composite decking.  Bamboo replaces domestic recycled hardwoods, and is mixed with high density polyethylene plastic. The sugars are cooked out of the wood and the very fine, homogeneous and dense bamboo flour is mixed with recycled plastics. The finished board is usually capped on four sides, which results in a super strong, dense board. Some boards are over three times as strong as traditional composite boards. 

It is likely we will continue to see advances in the composite lumber market, as it is clearly a superior product. No matter your reason for choosing composite decking, make sure your installation will last as long as the engineered boards. The SCRAIL® INVISIDECK® SYSTEM installs below the deck surface, self-spaces, installs 3-5 times faster than traditional methods, and utilizes the minimal impact application of pneumatic tools.  This fastening system creates a completely smooth finish with no visible fasteners to ensure your cooler, custom, eco-friendly deck is built to last. Watch the video:


Topics: Deck Fasteners


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